
Enthralled by his own rhetoric, Federal Prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, coordinator of the Operation Car Wash Task Force, performed yesterday, September 14th, together with his group, a grotesque media spectacle that is bound to embarrass representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor in complicity with the Curitiba farce. Enforcer of the law, which, bound by his office, he should serve, the Torquemada from the state of Paraná, however, disguised himself as jumping standard-bearer for the anti Workers Party (PT) mob.

The Workers Party repudiates this individual’s suspicious action, whose libel, devoid of proof and politically oriented, disrespects constitutional rights and guarantees, conspires against democratic order, and calls for legal measures against its partiality.

By filing, admittedly without any evidence, charges against ex-President Lula and his wife, Marisa Letícia, besides Paulo Okamoto and other citizens, the chief of the Curitiba-based prosecutors makes it ever more clear the involvement of his group in the plot that led to the coup against the democratically elected president. And unmasks his deceitful, persecutory, and authoritarian intention of, outside the law, summarily prejudging and condemning those he selectively elected as victims.

In a collusion to criminalize our party and give a boost to the media campaign against the governments led by the PT, these biased bureaucrats now seek to conclude the dirty job they were assigned by the reactionary forces. Their goal is to remove from the political arena the most important leader of the Brazilian people and reduce the upcoming electoral processes to a game controlled by the oligarchies.

They do not hesitate, to accomplish their nefarious purpose, to forge a system of exception that erodes and dilacerates the Rule of Law, hand in hand with the most conservative circles of the Federal Police and the Judiciary Branch.

We call on all democrats to resist, with ever increasing intensity and mobilization, maneuvers of this kind, as they attempt against the liberty and sovereignty of the people.

National and international solidarity with ex-President Lula is a fundamental trench in the fight against the usurping government and the kidnapping of the institutions by violators of our Constitution.

Workers Party

National Directorate

September 15, 2016

PT Cast