CUT, Brasil: Lula condemned without proves: Coup D’Etat moves foward in Brazil


The condemnation without any proves of president Lula, usual pleading of authoritarian regimes, from a Judge of First Instance whose took action since the first moment as agitator of the parliamentary coup against the president Dilma Rousseff, highlight another terrible assault to what still left from the Rule of Law in Brazil.

In a pleading marked by grievances and biases, the right of defense of the president Lula was pure formality, serving only as a desperate attempt to pretend legality to a procedural and political fraud. In a moment that the illegitimate government breaks records of unpopularity, despite the fact of being subject of serious denounces of corruption, the absurd condemnation of the president Lula only aims to impede his candidature in 2018 elections – all polls shows him as absolute favorite that could win elections in the first round. An election without Lula – on behalf of a authoritarian judicial procedure, without any respect to the legal process and aside from the Brazilian Laws and Constitution – it’s the clear proof that Brazilian Democracy now is a farce.

Condemnation without any proof strengthen the significance of the request presented by president Lula lawyers to the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva, for violation of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and abuse of power against Lula of judge Sérgio Moro and federal prosecutors of “Car Wash Operation”.

The fraudulent condemnation of the president occur a day after the approval of the Labor Reform of Temer illegitimate government by the Senate. This so called “reform” destroy all protections of Brazilian Workers – a body of laws called “Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas” (CLT). Making, this way, the work even more precarious and super explored in our country.

Once more we ask you for international solidarity against the grievances committed against the president Lula – protests, acts, letters and manifestations of disapproval forwarded to embassies and Brazilian representations. We struggled until now against the Coup and we will keep fighting for justice to President Lula in the next Instances ant for the restoration of the Rule of Law in Brazil.


Brazil, 12 July of 2017.

Vagner Freitas
President of CUT – Brazil
Antônio Lisboa
Secretary of International Relations of CUT – Brazil
Ariovaldo de Camargo
Deputy Secretary of International Relations of CUT – Brazil

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