Official statement: Lula free! Lula President!

Lula continues to be our candidate for the Presidency of the Republic and his candidacy will be registered on August 15, according to the electoral legislation

Site do PT

Nota oficial do Diretório Nacional do PT sobre os 100 dias do Governo Lula. Imagem: Site do PT

The Workers’ Party welcomes the multitudes of Brazilians who have mobilized, in São Bernardo do Campo and in hundreds of cities in the country and abroad, in defense of freedom for former President Lula.

Since last Saturday, this mobilization has its political center in the city of Curitiba, where the Democratic Vigil for Lula’s Freedom is being held, near the headquarters of the Federal Police.

The illegal arrest of former President Lula, his conviction without evidence by partial judges who did not even appoint a crime, and the refusal by the 5th collegiate body of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and by the majority of the Constitutional Court (STF) to guarantee the right for an appeal in freedom constitute the utmost violation against a national leadership since re-democratization.

This violence arouses indignation inside and outside the country and only highlights the fact that Lula is the greatest political leader in Brazil, recognized and respected worldwide.

Lula’s political and personal stature was magnified by the dignified manner he fulfilled the illegal arrest warrant, at the Union that is the cradle of his political leadership: with his head held high, in the arms of the people, an image that reverberated around the world.

Lula’s illegal arrest is an offshoot of the great coup against democracy that began with the impeachment without crime of President Dilma Rousseff, which led to the withdrawal of workers’ rights, the dismantling of state-owned companies, the handing over of sovereignty and national wealth.

Lula is innocent! Lula is a political prisoner!

For all these reasons, throughout his history, Lula continues to be our candidate for the Presidency of the Republic and his candidacy will be registered on August 15, according to the electoral legislation.

PT’s main task is to fight for Lula’s freedom, in coordinated actions with other political parties, social movements, fronts, organizations and personalities from all over Brazil and other countries.

It will be up to PT’s National Board to articulate with other parties, which will be led by President Gleisi Hoffmann, designated by Lula as his political spokeswoman until he regains his freedom.

The National Executive Committee has decided that the party’s political command will be installed in Curitiba.

PT will announce a calendar of actions, mobilizations and resistance for Lula’s freedom.

We will not leave the streets while Lula is not freed.




Curitiba, 9 April 2018.


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