The European Left: Official Statament

“The EL makes its full support to all the progressive sectors of the country that are very aware that this is a violent and intentional attack on democracy”

The Party of the European Left (EL) regards with utmost concern the decision of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil (STF) to reject the appeal of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva against his imprisonment. It is evident that the verdict of the STF was taken under the strong pressure of the most reactionary factions of the country including the inadmissible and unconstitutional public support of high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces.

The EL expresses its absolute rejection of the ruling of the STF, not only because it was used as the official arm of a fragrant political-judicial plot to denigrate Lula, but also because it is a decision of enormous Machiavellianism, as it tries to bring Brazilian society to social conflict to, most likely, justify and give legality to a social repression that would take the country to the most tragic era of the military dictatorship suffered a few decades ago.

The EL encourages national and international mobilizations to reject the ruling of the STF, to claim the freedom of Lula, to demand the respect of democracy and for the absolute rejection of the reactionary factions that try to ravage the freedom not only of Lula, but of all the Brazilian people.

The EL makes its full support to all the progressive sectors of the country that are very aware that this is a violent and intentional attack on democracy. A democracy that with so much effort and success helped to build just the person whom the majority – as recent surveys indicate – wants to lead the country after the upcoming elections: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

6th of April 2018

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