Unite the Union: sindicato britânico aprova moção em solidariedade a Lula

Confira o texto aprovado durante o congresso do Unite

Conference notes:
• That in Brazil former President Lula – who prior to being President was a trade union leader – has been detained in jail since April 7.
• That this imprisonment has been widely condemned as politically motivated by the international trade union movement including the ITUC, the TUC, Unite and other unions.
• That despite this – and the wide spread attacks on Lula in much of Brazil’s privately owned media –Lula is the leading choice of Brazilians in opinion polls for October’s Presidential election.

Conference further notes:
• That the imprisonment of Lula has gone alongside increased repression from the current government of the unelected President, which has included ripping up established trade union rights, and alongside worrying developments such as the politically motivated assassination of councillor Marielle Franco in March.
• That the unelected government of Brazil has imposed hard-line neo-liberal measures including a 20 year public spending freeze and plans to privatise the state oil company.
• That Lula, Brazil’s trade unions and others have noted these reactionary shifts in Brazil form part of a resurgence of right-wing, neo-liberal governments and movements across Latin America, which is actively encouraged by the US Trump administration.
• That the Trump administration’s interventions into the region also include tightening sanctions and calls for ‘regime change’ in Venezuela and the threat of sanctions against Nicaragua.
Conference resolves:
• To support the work of the No Coup in Brazil initiative, which brings together trade unions, parliamentarians, Latin America solidarity groups and others in campaigning in defence of democracy and social progress in Brazil, including in campaigning for Lula’s freedom.
• To continue to support the work of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign and Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group in building international support for trade unions in those countries and campaigning against US intervention.

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