The European Left condemns attack against Lula and demands justice
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The EL expresses its strongest condemnation after the attack carried out in the State of Parana against former President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva and considers that it is the duty of the Brazilian political and judicial authorities to clarify the responsibilities of this criminal attack without impunity for those who have planned it and carried it out.
It is undoubtedly also the responsibility of the authorities of the State of Parana who have shown their complicit attitude denying the necessary protection to the caravan of Lula da Silva.
This episode is one more attempt of the Brazilian right wing and of the oligarchy to prevent the candidacy of Luis Inacio da Silva to the presidency, one year after the institucional coup committed against Président Dilma Rousseff.
The organized violence that had being used shows that these reactionary forces are willing to use the worst methods. The recent murders of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes show it.
The EL demands the punishment of the responsables of these attacks and expresses its fullest solidarity with Luis Inacio da Silva, with the Workers’ Party and with the Brazilian leftist forces facing the putschist government of Michel Temer and the forces of the oligarchy who are behind the current situation.
Working Group on Latin America and the Caribbean of the Party of the European Left
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